Roadtrips, stations and services love affair.

You’re on the motorway and clocked that there is what looks like a good services a little way down and you base the quality of the services by how many logos are crammed onto the sign. You’ve indicated off and navigated your way through the caravans to park as close as possible to the entrance. You praise yourself for getting out the car and being seen in public in what can only be described as ‘exitential crisis chic’ fashioned inspired clothing.


The plan is to go for a wee.

10-30 ish mins later you pace back to the car with a coffee, 10 overpriced fatty snacks, someone will have a burger or a toastie and a packet of sweets for the journey. Oh and also a small pot of fruit to, you know, balance it out a bit! Finally, back to the motorway again for the rest of your awesome road trip. But not before all passengers express their outrage and shock at the price of the petrol as we drive past the services petrol station.


Oh British transport. We have such a love hate relationship with it don’t we!? When asking people if they like travelling, most people are likely so say- yes I do! But that is because they are assuming you are asking if they like going to different destinations. A lot of people don’t actually like the travelling journey from A to B.


But not me! I’m that person that gets disappointed when I get to a destination because my favourite song has started. I do a lot of travelling around England mostly on trains or on long road trips with my boyfriend. Granted there are looooooooooads of bloody annoying things with travelling such as the people, the delayed trains, the cost of tickets, the closure of roads, the most part tediousness of it all. HOWEVER! I lowkey enjoy travelling and I’m flying a flag of good reasons why I looooove it;


1: 3hr roadtrip to the Peak District or a 3hr dueting concert featuring me and Adam? open to interpretation… MUSIC AND CAR JOURNEYS ARE JUST AMAZING. You cannot argue with that.

2: Watching the world go by is so peaceful especially on train journeys.

3: Stopping at services always feels like you’re on adventure and you’re just taking a mini pit stop. It always reminds me of going on holiday.

4: Getting up early to go on a long journey somewhere is always exciting.

5: Where else would you find a Maccies, casino and a Waitrose in the same place. So much food to choose from at a services.

6: Deep chats on road trips are always just the best.

7: People watching. We all love it.


Thank you for reading!

Joc x



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